…which is no big news since it happens once a month or so :).
But seriously speaking, last weekend has seen some interesting developments.
First of all, I became a foster home for a nice approx 1 year old cat (will giva a picture soon). She is adorable and I cannot imagine why nobody wants her. I can’t have her since I am still on the move. Anyway, if you need a charity cause – donate money or support in other ways: www.kassidkoju.ee
Secondly I went to see Norwegian movies on PÖFF Dark Night Film Festival. It was Knut Hamsun movies “Hunger” and “Pan” they showed – I could have stayed there, truly thrilling movies where you could really feel the emotions of the characters, feel their pain, joy, questions, misunderstandings. The irony was that the Genialistid klubi the movies were showed (my first time in that legendary place of youth in Tartu) offered fantastic chicen soup. For Free. Yummy.
Thirdly I got my motivation back 😛 for doing things. Well, I just started asking questons: What can I do to make things the way I want them to be. So I did. And I saw it was good.
So all you followers you are invited to the Personal Branding conference in 12th to 14th of March 2010 in Tartu, Estonia