
What you really want to do with your skills and time?

When I first started this blog, it was called “Life as a holiday”. I started it when I took a vacation after few very tough years and on that vacation I realized that one should be able to work with his/her own skills that motivate and at the same time find enough time for vacation and recharging oneself that work overload would be a distant memory. Now, ten years later I am coaching and giving advice to other people on how to find their own lifestyle and pursue it successfully.

My getaway in Ibiza
My getaway in Ibiza

Few years later, I was burned out. Of working too much, playing too little and doing very little sport. I had found what was my calling, my skill and motivation but I forgot to have a vacation on a daily basis. So I went to Ibiza for a year. I walked and walked and walked. I was ready to start anew.

After walking and doing literally nothing for 6 moths I got back my mojo, clients started coming from all the fields I had signaled (personal branding, hiking, writing). Then and there I had to make a decision:


never to fall into unbalanced lifestyle. Always track that I work as much as I have “fun” or do trainings. At first I needed 50-50 division between work and play, because the previous lifestyle had taken its toll. Now, I can vary.

Two main questions that you need to find answers to:

How to find what are your motivational skills and get to work with them?

That’s where it all starts. If you are making a change in your life, be honest about what drives you, what you really can and want to do. If you are not, you’ll soon fall back. Set your priorities and values.

How to keep a balanced lifestyle?

Simple answer: keep it balanced! Don’t wait until you get sick ti have a vacation and don’t do nothing and only have a vacation and expect to live like the rich and famous.

Support to find and follow your passion

I found these answers and I am tough on myself to keep the balance – I have figured out that it works wonders wen you are physically active and can focus on work that you are good at and love. For me that is consulting people with vision to their fullest potential and helping them visualize it and get the clients they want. I unite a group of very skilled and motivated experts who help with design, videos and websites and I myself help setting goals, put into words the value and the brand and design the future work for my clients. And then I inspire people with this active lifestyle blog – because it is all a matter of decision. True stroy!

If you think I can help you too, e-mail me to set up a coaching session via Skype or email.



About the Author


Performance coach, blogger and activist.

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