hiking Lifestyle Walking in Estonia

Hiking in Estonia: The highest 20 mountains (hkm, hills) in Estonia in one day

There is something about 25 +

I am sipping a fresh smoothie from strawberries and oats and soon ready to go for a walk at  a new “Terviserada” (“path of health” 🙂 as they cal it in Estonian). This one is 5 km. Normal people usually walk 5-15 km in one go. Doing more is considered a bit more for hard-core trainers. But that is what I like. From doing 20+ in Ibiza at the Cap des Falco walk or doing the whole Punta Galera – Cala Salada – Cap Nuno round or Cala San Vicente. Not to mention the 35 km of The Seven Mountain Hike in Bergen. Now I have found a nice 25 km walk in South-Estonia as well.

The bumpy South-Estonian landscape

Here is a hill.
Here is a hill.

I did the 20 mountain hike in South-Estonia in December 2013 (guess why it caught my eye in the first place?). It is a public event every December 25th, where people go for a long walk (I got 27,2 km) after Christmas festivities (and loads of food and sitting around tables) conquering the 20 highest Estonian mountains. It’s been organized for some years now, usually the weather is quite snowy and cold, but we were lucky that this winter in Estonia was rather smooth and felt more like mixture of autumn and spring. Lucky, because I don’t think I would have made it in snow. You can see the names and heights of each of the hills (Estonian mountains) at the end of this post. The route itself was like that:

hiking in Estonia, walking routes in Estonia
A whole 27,7 km

Oh, that was a hill to Bruce Lee forest and Christmas tree maze

We encountered many cool places on this walk, met new people and created a book. Yeah. Well, nobody would understand that book, because it was highly creative (after three or four hilltops we became high spirited and absolutely creative, like we-created-new-words-creative. Anyway, some pictures below, some in Facebook. But you have to join us next time to get the feeling. Contact me for information (contacts below).

On our way to the starting point.
On our way to the starting point.
My two companions and since then good walking partners.
My two companions and since then good walking partners.
A mountain top, far ahead :)
A mountain top, far ahead 🙂
Our very own Grinch who took the snow away (thank you!)
Our very own Grinch who took the snow away (thank you!)
I think it was around 150 people attending this year's walk?
I think it was around 150 people attending this year’s walk?
Hard rise
Tough rise
Ice lake - just to show it WAS December
Ice lake – just to show it WAS December
We have old abandoned houses in the forests as well
We have old abandoned houses in the forests as well
A break
A break
Selfie or a group photo ...
Selfie or a group photo …

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Helen's house to be
Helen’s house to be
Another mountain top reached
Another mountain top reached
She lifted our Christmas spirit
She lifted our Christmas spirit
Walking gives time for self-reflections
Walking gives time for self-reflections
Hajime! The Bruce Lee forest!
Hajime! The Bruce Lee forest!

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The Big Egghill Tower. Highest point in Estonia (318m) and almost the final point of our walk
The Big Egghill Tower. Highest point in Estonia (318m) and almost the final point of our walk
The dream team. Liisi, Helen, Siret
The dream team. Liisi, Helen, Siret

Healthy lifestyle is a balancing act

2014 is a year of movement (Liikumisaasta) in Estonia. That means that people are encouraged to go out, walk, do sports, move and be healthy because statistics (and real life as well) shows that people are falling sic due to too much and ONLY work with no relax time. I am all hands in for this, my Year of Movement started years ago in Norway, peaked in 2013 with walking in Ibiza and continues now with smooth climb. The country does not matter anymore, I walk where I am and I try out variety of sports and activities to develop myself to be versatile.


Walking lifestyle – keeping you fit, mentally and physically

Don’t forget we all need time-off from our daily lives. Walking is the easiest and accessible thing to do that. Go out for a walk, share your thoughts and inspirations with me via e-mail. My aim is to show how easy it is to find little walks, little time-off-chunks in life to keep you mentally and physically fit. Wherever you are.

Liisi Toom

walking clothes by ISCLiisi Toom is a communication executive and lifestyle coach who spent 9 months in Ibiza walking, doing walking tours and blogging about it. She has also done and blogged about walking in Estonia and Norway. She coaches people on finding their lifestyle. If you wish to find and live your lifestyle, e-mail at liisitoom (at) gmail. com.

Have questions about walking lifestyle?

Drop me a line at liisitoom(at)gmail.com or follow me @liisi.

Read about other walking routes in Norway.
My 6 favorite walking routes in Ibiza
Walking in Estonia – Tartu siesta walk
Have a cookie – my CookieBusiness
Read my memories on my first 7 mountain hike

Read how you could be part of lifestyle coaching and marketing

with me.

The 20 highest mountains in Estonia:

Taken from Ekstreempark, the organizer of this walk, website

  Hill (mountain :)) Height from sea level Height from the foot of the hill
1. Suur-Munamägi 318,1 m 50 m
2. Vällamägi 303,9 m 90 m
3. Kerekunnu mägi 295,8 m 50 m
4. Tsälbämägi 292,6 m 40 m
5. Rohtõsuu mägi 289,1 m 25 m
6. Haragamägi 288,6 m 20 m
7. Papisöödü mägi 288,2 m 30 m
8. Kivestmägi 288,1 m 40 m
9. Mustikmägi II 286,2 m 30 m
10. Korgõmägi 285,3 m 35 m
11. Tõudrõmägi 285,1 m 35 m
12. Iisraeli mägi 284,2 m 30 m
13. Mustikmägi I 283,8 m 30 m
14. Kulliperä mägi 281,5 m 45 m
15. Jaanimägi 280,9 m 35 m
16. Luku mägi 280,7 m 30 m
17. Kaldõmägi 280,7 m 25 m
18. Olguõmägi 280,1 m 30 m
19. Viinamägi 279,6 m 30 m
20. Tsärdsomägi 278,4 m 45 m
  TOTAL 5751 m 745 m
About the Author


Performance coach, blogger and activist.

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