There are fantastic routes for leisure walking in Ibiza. At the same time, it has great routes for training. Whether you just want to get your 10 000 steps a day done, go for a stroll before or after work or if you have a marathon, special training in mind. On Ibiza walks you can find flat paths for kilometers, then some ups-and-downs with variety of altitudes from 50 to 100 to 200 up to 400 m. My personal two favorites for every-day walking in Ibiza for sport and training are Cap des Falco route for more difficult walking and the second is S’Estanyol walk from Ibiza center. I do like the walking up to Sa Talaia, the highest top in Ibiza, but it is not in my regular weekly training route, rather once a month route. For S’Estanyol walking route, Flo Rida feat David Guetta “CLub Can’t Handle Me is perfect! Gives you huge amount of energy and is so Ibiza! Enjoy while reading this post.
Power walking in Ibiza as a daily exercise
I found S’Estanyol route from the official walking in Ibiza routes by the Tourist Office and did it the first time 3 weeks ago. It is a mid-level walk, starting from Ibiza center or Talamanca beach, heading towards the small and cute S’Estanyol beach via a hilly road in the forest. It is not your regular beach-side, astonishing views to the see road, but if taken a bit before the sunset, you can see wonderful play of the sun going down while you are walking on the streets, with nice little houses in a quiet area just kilometers from the busy city center. I like to choose the routes that are easily accessible when walking in Ibiza for whatever the aim.
Power walking in Ibiza as a daily exercise
The S’Estanyol route is around 14 km long, for me usually 15 when coming from home. The hilly landscape gives an extra challenge along with the stairs you can see on the picture. You don’t have to take the stairs, because they really are not leading to anywhere you need to go, but they are an extra bonus if you are training yourself.
Since I have been visiting a personal trainer Virgil Brewster and a chiropractor Dr. Jans Olde Wolbers and learned about the High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). These steps give an excellent opportunity for your 20 second fast workout that you can combine with your training, relaxing and walking in Ibiza:
HIIT involves brief but intense bursts of activity (such as sprinting or cycling) alternated with a brief rest or ‘recovery’ period, and repeated a number times. An example would be performing 30 seconds of MAXIMUM EFFORT running, followed by 90 seconds of light jogging or walking and repeating 6-10 times. HIIT burst-type exercises stimulate fast and super-fast twitch muscle fibers which promotes human growth hormone (HGH), which are not stimulated by any other type of exercise.
So, if you want to do high intensity interval training yourself, you will have to do as the doctor tells you:
1. 3 min warm up.
2. Exercise for 30 seconds as hard and fast as you can (you should feel you couldn’t continue for even a few more seconds)
3. Recover for 90 seconds
4. Repeat the pattern 7 more times
5. 2 minute warm down.Eight is the magic number where you will really start to see great results, but you may need to work your way up, starting with fewer or shorter repetitions. You could also start with just walking, moving your legs and arms as fast as possible without running for a 30 second burst.
These exercises are intense and need only be performed 2-3 times per week, with each entire workout only taking 20 minutes. As always, if in doubt, seek health professional advice before undertaking any new activity.
Walk to stabilize the rhythm and get the habit
There you go. It is easy to find places to do those exercise on the S’Estanyol walk, but I suggest you try them with a personal trainer first, be sure of your preparedness and have a doctor to check up on you and your physical health. Before and after those high intensity trainings, go walking in Ibiza to relax, to let the training gradually work on you and to keep the regularity and stability of the training.
Power walking in Ibiza as a daily exercise
I go walking in Ibiza for S’Estanyol route every Monday and Tuesday to keep the discipline, to see the fantastic sunset, learn to run bit by bit and take advantage of the variety of training the route gives (uphill, downhill, flat ground, easy to walk, easy to run, beach relax-spot, it has it all). And to enjoy the company of other people who have arrived in Ibiza to make their dreams happen, to learn to life with more tranquility, in the way they always have wished to. Hope you will find your pace, the right training, the right trainers and the best companions for walking in Ibiza!
Read about more places you can go walking in Ibiza:
* Random walks with no goal always lead to where you want to go: Punta Galera, Ibiza
More reading: Tips for walking in Ibiza or elsewhere
* Don’t forget to pack your bag with food that gives you energy.
Walking lifestyle – keeping you fit, mentally and physically
Don’t forget we all need time-off from our daily lives. Walking is the easiest and accessible thing to do that. Go out for a walk, share your thoughts and inspirations with me via e-mail. My aim is to show how easy it is to find little walks, little time-off-chunks in life to keep you mentally and physically fit. Wherever you are.
Liisi Toom
Liisi Toom is a communication executive and lifestyle coach who spent 9 months in Ibiza walking, doing walking tours and blogging about it. She has also done and blogged about walking in Estonia and Norway. She coaches people on finding their lifestyle. If you wish to find and live your lifestyle, e-mail at liisitoom (at) gmail. com or follow her Twitter @liisi.
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