
Karate: The “before” video of heian sandan kata

heian sandan

My karate training developments

Last year after 10 years of pause from my karate training, I found a new shotokan karate group in Tartu. I still had yellow belt. I did my exam in November 2014 to sensei, known as the person who has brought shotokan karate to Estonia and is popularizing it here. He was the one I did my exams ten years ago. NoToday I am preparing for my next belt, green belt – about time.

To map this process and development, here is my first video of heian sandan kata – the kata I need to do at my green belt exam. This video is made at the training when we started focusing on the next exam.
Kui otsid Eestis shotokan karate gruppi, siis oled teretulnud Tartus ja Tallinnas treeningutele.
Vaata lisa Tallinna Shotokan Karate treeningute kohta,
Tartu Shotokan Karate treeningute kohta.

Kata heian sandan by Liisi

And this is how heian sandan should be done

Thank you for reading and if you have any comments or questions, tweet, Facebook and tag #walkinglifestyle or write if you need inspiration and want to comment on my blog – liisitoom@gmail.com

Liisi Toom
walking lifestyle promoter, blogger, marketer, coach

Read about walking routes in NorwayMy 6 favorite walking routes in Ibiza, or about walking in Estonia

About the Author


Performance coach, blogger and activist.

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