
#20 kayaking training: suntan

And we are already at the 20th training this season that started in May! And only one to go before Pühajärve competition to reach my this year’s kayaking goal. Training itself was short (5 km), with 4x quick start and 4 times slowly elevating the speed. Very interesting way to train. Felt okay. Saw some nice yellow water-lily’s that are blooming now.  Wind was almost non-existent and the sun has become warmer and warmer.

The last trainings I could not bear myself to wear long sleeved windbreaker jacket so I now have the “shirt” tan. Hands are quite brown, neck is white and also part of my forehead is white. Odd. But I will have plenty of time to get a new tan in France. One week to go.

To be honest, there is nothing more to tell about this training. Only that I am still super happy that I have started kayaking as my hobby and can’t wait to see where it will lead me.

"sea" of yellow water-lilys
“sea” of yellow water-lilys



About the Author


Performance coach, blogger and activist.

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