
#6 kayaking training: getting easier

Another brilliant day with brilliant weather, calm river and blue sky. Took the kayak out for 5km training, now 5 is my minimum length for one training – I mus be able to do it without a break. Developing speed and the right way to paddle was in the core of my training, I still have a problem with my right hand – I use it too much instead of back muscles. Luckily my new paddle is making it much easier – now I at least get muscle pain after training at the right places.
So today’s count: 5km, 45 min in total, 4x2minutes fast paddling, rest to warm up an keep warm. I will do the same tomorrow, then a week pause from kayaking because I am leaving for Norway! (whoopwhoop). And then, in June – it is ON!

When I was turning back, I noticed this cool stripe in the sky and in the water, beautiful!


Liisi Toom
walking lifestyle promoter, blogger, marketer, coach

Read about walking routes in NorwayMy 6 favorite walking routes in Ibiza, or about walking in Estonia

About the Author


Performance coach, blogger and activist.

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