
Eskimo pöörde trenn Emajõe Aerukooli poistega | Eskimo turn in the river done

Esimest korda õppisin eskimo pööret basseinis, sest oli talv ja Eestis polnud kuskil mujal trenni teha. Muide, see oli ka minu esimene kayaki treening üldse, varem olin vaid turistina kayakiga sõitnud. Sama aasta suvel SAK Tartu baasi süstatrenni minnes aga hakkasin hoopis vastupidavust ja tehnikat õppima ja eskimo jäi tahaplaanile. Nii jäigi unistus elavas vees eskimo ära teha. Sest tegelikkuses pole see üldse raske.

I learnt to do eskimo roll in the pool. It was wintertime and there was no other way. By the way, this was actually the first time I did a kayaking training. Before that I’d only go for kayaking as a tourist in Norway or Ibiza. The same year (after the eskimo and training in the pool) I started my kayaking training in Emajõgi but I never got to try the eskimo in the “live” water and it haunted me a bit. Because it is not really that hard.

See unistuseke sai ellu viidud septembrikuises Emajões, tänu Emajõe Aeruklubi poistele, kes olid agaralt noortele veesporti tutvustamas ja kes muuhulgas näitasid ka eskimo pööret. Tegin ruttu juttu, et kas nad on valmis mulle oma süsta koos põllega laenama ja olema minu kõrval, kui pöördeid teen.

This dream, to do an eskimo in the live water fulfilled on a cold September-day in Emajõgi, thanks to the training club boys who were doing some promo trainings and presentations to school groups. I saw them do an eskimo and asked if they can help me with it (I needed a better boat and someone to be next to me :)).

Ülar võttis mu oma tiiva alla, peale esimest kolme ebaõnnestunud pööret tegin aga omal käel pöörde ära. Ruttu tegin veel mõned korrad ja siis käskis ta teha teistpidi ka. Isegi basseinis suutsin vaid ühelt poolt väljatulemisega pöörde ära teha. Ja nüüd peale aastast pausi tahab ta, et ma teen ka teistpidi …. Aga no ei saa ju häbisse jääda :). Esimesel katsel tegin pöörde ära. Väga lahe!

Ülar took me under his wing and helped me get through the first three failed eskimo rolls. The fourth was a success. I quickly did a few more to be sure I got the hang of it again. Then he said that do it from the other side as well. I was like nononono, I couldn’t make it in the pool. But he insisted. So I did. Adn I DID IT. So this this was even better than I imagined, in addition to make the eskimo in live water I made it both ways.

Minu eskimo jões


My eskimo in the river

Muidugi kui oli vaja pärast teha showd lastele, siis enam ei tulnud välja. Aga pole hullu, enne talve tulekut saab veel proovida. Avastasin, et kogu selle trenni peale läks 40-50 minutit, enamus sellest vees, läbimärjana. Peale trenni sai kuuma piima ja mett juua.

It took me around 40 minutes in the water, which was not that good idea before the marathin that I was attending the next day. So quickly after I felt I am too numb already, I went home and drank a lot of hot milk with honey. Didn’t catch a cold.

Ülar näitas veel kuidas süsta veest tühjaks lasta olles ise vees

Ülar showed how to empty the kayak from water while being in the river

Kuidas minna tagurpidi olevasse süsta

How to get in the kayak when it has turned over in the water

Süstasõit on väga lahe ala!

Kayaking is really fun sport!


About the Author


Performance coach, blogger and activist.

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