Norway Personal Branding

Me and my hundred professions

I don’t know if it is a good or a bad thing, but I seriously like that I can do many very professions at the same time: from being the director of communication to being a masseur. I love both professions deeply and I believe they complement one another. Not to mention it gives me a bit of an advantage when one profession should stop giving me income.

What I like about Norwegians/Norway is that there it is quite acceptable and common to change your field of competence in a matter of years. So you study one thing, work in that field for a while and then if you feel like doing something else, it is easy to change. I think in Estonia it is a bit difficult for both financially and also mentally.

But I encourage you: broaden your horizon – learn to be a carpenter, philosopher, how to milk cows, how to do synchronized translations, learn languages, literature, manicure etc.etc.etc. Whatever you like.

If you love what you do and if you have choice, you will be happier. 🙂 As long as there is passion and drive in it.

I still want to learn about coffee, programming, translation theory, karate and some more. What about you?

Yours, Liisi Toom, the magnificent, owner of the un-official EnergyHouse Ltd.

About the Author


Performance coach, blogger and activist.

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