Personal Branding

Real Power Behind Personal Brand and Influence. And how to get it

personal branding, brand promise, brand values, influencer, influence marketing, values, brand you

What would a BRAND be without personality? Every product, country, business is trying to look for ways to have some personality traits that the audience and a prospective client would recognize. WHY of why do we, as we are building our own personal brand are not focusing mainly on ourselves and who we are? Because it is hard and because it is easier to focus on figuring out marketing platforms and strategies, rather then figuring out what we really want and why. But, let me tell you, if you are not focusing on that, you will always be a follower. True, authentic and strong personal brands are built on awareness of who the person is and what he/she wants. So let me guide you briefly so that you too can ease into true self and to a life and business you actually lave and getting goals that bring satisfaction rather then momentary fame. This is based on my 10 years of hands-on experience with hundreds of entrepreneurs, scientists, teachers to financial analysts, to HR people and managers and is put together for “Influencers in Action” forum speech. If you like it, please share and contact me for future cooperation.

Let’s put the person back in personal brand

The greatest asset you have is you, your values, vision and personality. And, how you decide to combine all of them along with your skill or knowledge. These two aspects are the basis of your future or present business, your reputation and also how you will be trusted as an expert and how your career will flow. That is why 60% of my personal brand coaching with individuals is spent on this part. Knowing YOU helps you figure out the elevator pitch, your true message, the value you bring to others and situations you want to be in and how to make choices.

Marketing yourself with ease

The best part about focusing on your own values, your ambitions and skills is that you do not become an object, a product but can truly live your own life, you can choose, how you work and with whom. You will not need to figure out intricate messages, but talk like you would talk, act like you would act. This way your personal brand and influence will grow organically and is trustworthy.

If that is done and there is a specific need to for example:
– enter the market or a field;
– apply for grant, work or role;
– make clearly known that you are up for cooperation without pushing sales,

…then we can start with the audience and marketing side of personal branding. That will become a issue of understanding and learning the right tools, choosing the right channel(s) and setting measurable goals. It will all be easy, because you know the most important part: what you, your personal brand stands for.

All in all, I have 5 main questions you should ask when starting or re-visiting your personal brand and influence. They are big questions. It takes effort and a great deal of work to truly figure them out. that is why I myself have developed a process for my personal brand clients. If you like to join me and get your name known, feel free to contact me directly.

So how to get influence with your personal brand?

With hard work and constantly keeping your brand promise. To get there, answer these questions and allow yourself to really dive into yourself. Then act upon your values, figure out what works for you and what you want to achieve. Then show yourself to the right people with the right things (and you will know the right things/time when you have first done some work on you). Downlod this image with questions as a reminder to ask these questions and feel free to tag me and use #myrules when you give them answers. Yes, it can be your public claim for who you are and what you stand for (see, it is not that difficult!).

personal branding, influence, influencer marketing, know your why
The 5 questions you need to ask. And focus on the 1 and 2 + 5 MOST. If you need help, do not hesitate to ask me.

If you want to know more about personal brand marketing I have a video for you with good tips.

Liisi Toom: Who am I?

I have worked with 100+ entrepreneurs, scientists, financial advisers to IT specialists and HR/PR people to restaurateurs and sales people to drive their work satisfaction and also sales through personal brand strategic coaching. I have 10 years of experience in blogging, writing and speaking on the same topic and have myself used my model to transform my own life from public servant to PR director for fast growing international startup to hiker in Ibiza to establisher of personal brand movement as a way to live your life on your terms. Join me, following Instagram @liisi_toom or this blog. Let’s cooperate for your personal or your company’s brand building and managing performance&influence. Why? Because since very early in my life I realized that you will be most satisfied with what you do on a daily basis when you choose the activity yourself. When you choose it by what you are curious about and how you want to make a difference. I noticed that as soon as I figured that out, all *magically* fell into place. Ever since then I have chosen a life of freedom to do what I want. That is writing, psychology and councelling for focus and clarity for others as well. I am also a sprint kayaker, hiker, travel&food&coffee fan and always learning new things. 

personal brand audit, personal branding, influencers

About the Author


Performance coach, blogger and activist.

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