kayaking training

Kayaking on-water season 2019 start

This season is going to be my best season so far!

Said all athletes every start of the season. As I was doing my careful short training on the water today, my fellow kayaker commented how he has seen a stable improvement in my kayaking every year. That was heart warming, because I really have put a lot of effort in it and also, because “stable improvement” is the surest one of all. When you reach the top quickly, most likely you fall just as quickly. Or maybe thats my brain trying to muster a bit of more confidence that will be needed to make the jump I want this year.

But back to today’s kayaking training

Last few days have been warmer, around 2-3 + degrees meaning that Emajõgi, my training field, opened up. The shores are still icy, but Kevin, a risky, bit crazy kayaker was already on the water. When I saw him kayaking, I had to do it as well! And with his push I did. It wasn’t that bad, considering I have not kayaked for around 3 months and the shores were covered in ice, so it would have been difficult to crawl out if I’d fell in. Yep, I am still structuring that threat in.

The water was smooth and quiet, no ice pieces floating which was great. My heart rate was on average 149 (and I had a hard time getting that this morning on kayaking ergo, go figure) – adrenaline for sure. The average speed was ok. Total of 6.3km was done.


Most of all, it was SUCH a pleasure being on the water again. I just love that sport and honestly, this is one thing that makes me THE MOST HAPPIEST. Not even writing gets close to it (… well, sometimes, but it’s so much harder). Can’t wait until the season really starts and when my school is over so I can fully dedicate on kayaking.

Some pics



About the Author


Performance coach, blogger and activist.

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