
Vacation in France #8 The Bluest Local lake at La Roquebrussanne

My place of peace of mind
My place of peace of mind

If I had known that the lakes in France look like this …

Lake Laoutien (Lac du Grand Laoutien) in La Roquebrussanne

My Lake
My Lake

As I don’t like salty water much (and yet I like being next to the sea), it was my luck that 3-4 km from my home in Neoules, France, there is a lake. It is situated right between La Roquebrussanne and Gareoult – two lovely little villages. As I had a bike, it was just a stone-throw away, but it was also beautiful to walk, in between fields of grapes.

The vineyards on the way from my home in France to the lake.
The vineyards on the way from my home in France to the lake.

And when I got to know there is a lake, this was not what I imagined. This is faaaaar better than I imagined. There is actually two of them, this is the Grand Laoucien lake. I have been there four times and it is just amazing. At first it took me a while to understand how they get down there. I finally found the stairs that are just by the path that leads from the parking lot. You can also enter from many different places – just follow the people.

Here is a video of my last visit.

Of course it is very popular among local kids who jump like crazy from the cliffs. As the depth of the lake gets to 43 m, I can understand why they feel so safe. Yet, there is just enough land to walk in the water and maybe sit on the edge of the water if you for some reason don’t want to swim.

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For me, it is enough to relax and get the fresh water to cool me down a bit from the heat of 38 degrees. Or after 15 km of walking in French mountains.

I wish lakes in Estonia would be like this. Though, at least we have more lakes and they are nearer to us. So all is good.


About the Author


Performance coach, blogger and activist.

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