It is summertime and you can see more and more speedboats on river Emajõgi. At km 2-3 there is a region, where people who own boats and have a nice home by the river. Today especially the song “Lifestyle of the rich and the famous” started haunting me.
Back from Norway. The next moth will be focused on preparing me for my first competition – 5 km race on Pühajärve. I will do my test time again within few days now and we are ready to start the phase two of my training. Having my own paddle and all 🙂
Today, #8 kayaking training was a warm-up, 5km, half up, half down the river. Two trainings to go this week. One for speed, other for distance.
What are your June goals in the 2nd half of your life (not-working half)? Feel free to share at
Liisi Toom
walking lifestyle promoter, blogger, marketer, coach
Read about walking routes in Norway. My 6 favorite walking routes in Ibiza, or about walking in Estonia