walking through life

Carrots. Three quick and light soups

Fresh, healthy and simple-to-make soups with carrots

Soups are something I have always dreaded making. They seem so complex. Until some years ago, when for a month I could eat only pureed soups. Then a whole new world opened up. Puree soups are so light, easy to make, that you don’t really need a recipe, just but some veggies, some herbs and water or cream, blend and voila! As carrots are my favorites these days, here’s a few recipes have done and love.

Carrot-curry coconut soup

This is one of THE best soup. I made it for my house warming party and it was eaten up to the very last drop. You can make your own variations by adding chicken or shrimps, but the original recipe does not have any meat or fish included.


  • 400 grams coconut milk
  • 5 dl vegetable stock
  • 450 grams carrot (chopped)
  • 1 soup spoon of curry powder
  • 1 chopped garlic clove (I always put 3-4)
  • 0,5 teaspoon salt
  • 0,25 teaspoon crushed black pepper


Put all components in the pot. Heat until boiling and then let it boil on a low heat fro 10-15 minutes until carrots are soft. Puree with hand blender. I add croutons or chopped rice bread in for texture (rice bread gets soft very quickly!). I have added both fried shrimps and fried chicken. But it is brilliant soup even on its own.

Carrot-curry coconut soup
Carrot-curry coconut soup

Pumpkin-carrot soup with ginger

My mom gave me kilos and kilos of fresh pumpkin. As I have never done anything with pumpkin, I was excited to see what will be the outcome. The first choice was a puree soup with carrots (always have some at home), next up was pumpkin pie and a smoothie (absolutely beautiful smoothie it was! Stay tuned for the recipes for other pumpkin products). As we have a carrot theme today, I chose to present you this wonderful, simple and nutritious pumpkin-carrot soup. Originally pumpkin.ginger soup, but I tweaked it to my liking as follows:


  • 490 grams of pumpkin
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 soup spoon oil
  • 1 onion
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground ginger (I didn’t have it so I used same amount of ginger powder – worked, but fresh is always better!) 
  • 600 ml water
  • 1 teaspoon / 1 cube of vegetable stock
  • for serving sour cream or cottage cheese OR variety of seedlings. For crunch, I made oven baked bread topped with cheese.


Heat the oil in the pot, add sliced onion and grounded ginger. Fry until the have a glassy look, add chopped garlic and carrots, heat them for few minutes. Pour water on top, add the stock cube and boile until carrots are medium soft. Add chopped pumpkin and boil until everything is nice and soft. Puree with a hand blender. Serves 5-6 people.

Pumpkin-carrot soup
Pumpkin-carrot soup

Carrot and garlic soup

So this soup is a result of a need for something very light after I did a fast. It actually contains only water, carrots, garlic and a bit of sour milk, spiced with basil. It is watery and would need some cream cheese and maybe a bit of cauliflower. To make it, you just put all the ingredients except for the sour milk(carrots chopped, garlic at the last minute) and boil until carrot is soft. Then puree it with hand blender while adding the sour milk. Though watery, it is good for consuming garlic when you are sick and need to strengthen your immune system. I can imagine eating this while cold as well.

Carrot and garlic soup
Carrot and garlic soup

Walking lifestyle – for keeping you fit, mentally and physically

Don’t forget we all need time-off from our daily lives. Walking is the easiest and accessible thing to do that. Go out for a walk, share your thoughts and inspirations with me via e-mail. My aim is to show how easy it is to find little walks, little time-off-chunks in life to keep you mentally and physically fit. Wherever you are.

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Quick direction to other posts:

Have a cookie – my best cookie recipes.
Walking in Norway
Walking in Estonia
My 6 favorite walking routes in Ibiza
What I do when I am not walking: counselling on PR and personal branding.

About the Author


Performance coach, blogger and activist.

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