Tartu is an amaizng city
Tartu is my home town and pretty much the only city I would live in Estonia. It has everything, from cultural sights to high-tech incubation centers for businesses. And most importantly – places to go for a walk, be it a short city tour to stretch your legs after sitting 4h behind the computer or for a longer run. Here is a nice, short 2,5km walk in town, that could be stretched for a longer walk by entering botanical garden or Toome Hill. Many historically and culturally important sights on the way and of course, I could talk for hours about my life here in this adorable town.
The map of siesta walk in Tartu
I used IDoMOve for tracking this walk.
What you see on a city walk in Tartu
Walking lifestyle – keeping you fit, mentally and physically
Don’t forget we all need time-off from our daily lives. Walking is the easiest and accessible thing to do that. Go out for a walk, share your thoughts and inspirations with me via e-mail. My aim is to show how easy it is to find little walks, little time-off-chunks in life to keep you mentally and physically fit. Wherever you are.
Liisi Toom
Liisi Toom is a communication executive and lifestyle coach who spent 9 months in Ibiza walking, doing walking tours and blogging about it. She has also done and blogged about walking in Estonia and Norway. She coaches people on finding their lifestyle. If you wish to find and live your lifestyle, e-mail at liisitoom (at) gmail. com.
Have questions about walking lifestyle?
Drop me a line at liisitoom(at)gmail.com or follow me @liisi.
Read about other walking routes in Norway.
My 6 favorite walking routes in Ibiza
Read how you could be part of lifestyle coaching and marketing
with me.