performance coaching

This is the key to peak performance.

Everybody dreams of winning.

Winning in sports, in business or any other achievement situation is commonly a thing to dream about. It seems something that happens “by accident” when you have “luck” or when everything kind of “comes together at the right time”. Things happening by chance and over night can be true, but more often then not they are the result of planning. In sports, in arts, in expertize, in business in self development. The key is planning for the win and winning can be redefined as constant work on your own skills, both physical and mental.

High performance means meticulous performance planning: physical and mental

So when we know, that the key to peak performance is planning, what does it really mean?
In high performance managing your optimum level of stress is how you prepare for future success. Stress is not bad nor good, but it can go both ways, depending on your training. The goal of physical and psychological preparation plan is to guide the performer towards a state of optimal performance READINESS at a specified future date. Yes, you read right, you can train your mind to manage stress and that will more often than not support the extra mile you need to take both on training and at the competition. Training your mind gradually will help training your performance skill and will avoid or lessen the consequences like burnout, failure to realize potential and dropout.
This is a long game. There are surely cases when an athlete or a CEO with a temper suddenly has an epiphany and starts managing his/her emotions allowing him/her execute his expertise and create a space for success to happen. Usually it is about recognizing your weak spots and training them just like you would train a muscle, a formal skill.

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The uniqueness of psychological performance training

There are proven techniques to train a mind, to create a plan and a strategy for a year, month, week so that the performer can ease into his/her new skill. What needs to be considered is that each individual is different, each field of expertise is different and each experience is different. So when I start making a plan for performance psychology of an athlete I need to take all that into account. For that, mutual respect and honesty is required. And flexibility to change and commitment to it. Without those parts, any of the proven methods will not manifest. But if all is aligned, training on physical and mental performance is done, all parties are committed and forward thinking, sudden “magic” happens. You win. You win more than the gold or fame. You win yourself, you win by exceeding your hopes and you win in enjoying the feeling of being able to work hard, grow and the person you become as a elite performer.


I think the fact that with training your mind, your psychological skills you will have the resources to express yourself FULLY for a longer time, is a reason to get into that kind of training. – Liisi Toom, performance psychology coach


Do you know your optimum performance emotion levels? The stress level that supports, not hinders your performance, be it sport, management, music, art or any other field of executing your potential, your skill, your self-expression? Comment and send me an email if this post had an effect, an ahhaa-moment for you.



About the Author


Performance coach, blogger and activist.

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