Lifestyle tennis training

Developments in tennis

It was my fifth tennis training today and let me just say: “NOW WE ARE TALKIN’!“. It was fun to run from one corner to the other, back and front… And actually manage to get the ball with technically almost correct hits lets say 60% of the time. I love the feeling when the ball hits the sweet spot and goes just where you want it, your whole body is helping along, you don’t need to think about the hit, it just comes from deep within.

The practice with a beginner like me in Pärnu was really good because I got to feel the real game in a way. With a trainer you get the balls right in your hand to learn the technique, which is perfect for me – I like getting hardcore technique practice. But that is why sometimes you need to play with someone who is just as advanced as you (yes, advanced, not just as week – lets think positive;).

What is decreasing is the power of my first hand stroke – I used to hit the ball out all the time, but now I barely make it over the serve area. It is either I try to control my hit too much or the technique is still not in my hand and I can’t hit that hard yet. Well, I am sure it will come back in no time. And it is better to keep the tennis ball in rather then out, right?

PS: The pictures are made in Pärnu, during the tournament where the people played in the old fashioned clothes and rackets.

About the Author


Performance coach, blogger and activist.

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