
Kayaking goals 2017

2016 was my first try with actual racing with a racing kayak. Let’s be honest, my times were bad, but at least I never fell in the water during a race. I did fall in the water quite a lot during trainings, including my last fall in December – wasn’t that cold. My total km for a year was 670 (thanks to a warm November and December). Which is not a lot at all, I hope to do three times as much this year.

So now, having a boat that I am not going to change and a boat that is in one piece and new, also having reference points from previous season and strength tests that I compared with other Estonian female kayakers, its time to set some goals for this year.

I have three main areas to develop to even get close to kayakers competing and getting good positions in competitions in Estonia. The three fields for me are: Strength, Balance and Speed.


While it is still a winter season and I can’t go on the water, its time to build some strength. I too the result of one competition that I didn’t take part (only two female kayakers did …, but they are the best) so I did the test at my base with my trainer. You can see the results down here. My strength was lifting weights (flat on my belly from below). I tried it with 45kg and also 32kg weigth is half my weight to make it comparable. I pulled 61 times with 32kg during 2 minute time slot. My maximum was 57,2kg. I was not so good with pushing weights from my chest. I have a wrist problem. Didn’t do running yet.

My goal by the end of January – to lift min of 60 kg. Maybe to get to 65 by the end of the winter season.
And maybe to get to 70 times in 2 minutes by the end of winter season.


My biggest downfall is in balance while on water with Nelo. Its a stability level 2 boat and I never believed I would be able to stay on it. And I am very slow in it because I am constantly trying to balance. The main problem, besides bad technique and having a very strong bad left hip-movement that throws me off balance (and causes others to have a laugh when they see me kayaking :)). But it is getting better, I promise you. On my last training my trainer even told me, that “If you fix your left hip problem, you could get to a quite a good level”. So all fingers crossed. I want to feel as safe on that boat as I did with the older boat and hiking boat, its all about time and technique… Technique and not letting myself to get scared. Oh, can’t wait til summer comes when it is much better to fall in the water.
You can see me crawling at the end of the Emajõe Marathon 2016. Need to get much better.


So, when the goal 2 – balance – is fixed, I am sure my times on competitions will be much better. My hope is to get the speed so up, that I am finishing in the similar range of time as others. Not 5/10 minutes later. Specifically, I’d like to do the Emajõe Maraton with around 4 h or less. Well, 2h+ would be best, but i’d settle for 3h+. Not 6h as I did this year. I have the strength for being much better, its just the freakin’ balance and fear.


So there you go. No specifics, more like generally get better in technique and being comfortable in the boat and then just flying and being comparable with others competing :). Small goals. Bigger goals for 2018.

Take care!

You can keep following my results here on the blog or on Instagram liisi_toom.

About the Author


Performance coach, blogger and activist.

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